How To Clean A Washing Machine When You Move Into An Apartment?

27September 2023

Moving into a new apartment is an exciting time, filled with possibilities and opportunities. However, amidst the excitement, it’s important to take care of practical matters, like cleaning your new space. And that includes your washing machine. While it may not be the first thing on your mind, giving your washing machine a thorough cleaning when you move in can save you from future headaches and ensure that your clothes come out fresh and clean every time. In this article, we’ll guide you through the simple process of cleaning a washing machine when you move into an apartment, so you can start your new chapter with confidence and cleanliness.

Gather Supplies

Before you begin cleaning your washing machine, it’s important to gather all the necessary supplies. Here’s a list of items you’ll need:


To protect your hands from any harsh chemicals or cleaning agents, it’s always a good idea to wear gloves while cleaning your washing machine.

White vinegar

White vinegar is an excellent natural cleaner that can help remove stubborn stains, odors, and buildup from your washing machine.

Baking soda

Baking soda is another versatile cleaning agent that can effectively eliminate odors and remove stains.

Hot water

Hot water is essential for cleaning your washing machine as it helps to dissolve and remove dirt and grime.

Soft brush or sponge

A soft brush or sponge will come in handy for scrubbing away any dirt or residue from the various parts of your washing machine.

Microfiber cloth

A microfiber cloth is perfect for wiping down the exterior of your washing machine and leaving it sparkling clean.

Having these supplies ready will make the cleaning process much smoother and more efficient. Now, let’s move on to preparing the washing machine for cleaning.

Prepare the Washing Machine

Before you start cleaning the inside and outside of your washing machine, it’s important to properly prepare it. Follow these steps to ensure you’re ready to tackle the task at hand:

Disconnect the washing machine

To ensure your safety, it’s crucial to disconnect the washing machine from its power source. Unplug it from the wall to prevent any accidents or electrical shocks.

Empty the drum

Before you start cleaning, empty the drum of your washing machine. Make sure there are no clothes or any other items left inside.

Remove lint trap

Most washing machines have a lint trap or filter that collects lint and other debris. Locate the lint trap and remove it from the machine.

Inspect and clean the seal

The rubber gasket or seal around the door of your washing machine can accumulate dirt, grime, and even mold or mildew. Inspect the seal and use a soft brush or sponge to clean it thoroughly.

Clean the detergent dispenser

If your washing machine has a detergent dispenser, remove it and thoroughly clean it with warm soapy water. This will help ensure that your detergent is being dispensed properly and prevent any blockages.

Now that you’ve prepared your washing machine, it’s time to clean the inside.

How To Clean A Washing Machine When You Move Into An Apartment?

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Cleaning the Inside of the Washing Machine

Cleaning the inside of your washing machine is essential to ensure its optimum performance and longevity. Follow these steps to get your washing machine sparkling clean from the inside:

Run a hot water cycle

Start by running a hot water cycle in your washing machine without any clothes. This will help loosen any dirt, soap residue, or grime that may be inside the machine.

Add vinegar

Once the hot water cycle is complete, add around two cups of white vinegar to the drum. Vinegar is a natural cleaner and will help remove any accumulated dirt, grime, or soap scum.

Add baking soda

Next, add half a cup of baking soda to the drum. Baking soda is a powerful odor eliminator and will help freshen up your washing machine.

Scrub the drum

With the vinegar and baking soda in the drum, use a soft brush or sponge to scrub the inside of the machine. Pay extra attention to any areas with visible stains or residue.

Clean the filter

While the drum is soaking with the vinegar and baking soda mixture, take the time to clean the filter. Locate the filter (usually at the bottom or back of the washing machine) and remove any clogs or debris. Rinse the filter thoroughly and allow it to dry completely before reinserting it.

By following these steps, you’ll ensure that the inside of your washing machine is fresh and clean. But don’t forget about the exterior!

Cleaning the Exterior of the Washing Machine

The exterior of your washing machine can accumulate dust, fingerprints, and other smudges over time. Follow these steps to get your washing machine looking brand new from the outside:

Wipe down the surface

Start by wiping down the entire surface of your washing machine with a microfiber cloth. This will help remove any dust or loose dirt.

Clean the control panel

Pay special attention to the control panel of your washing machine. Use a slightly damp microfiber cloth to wipe away any fingerprints or smudges. Be careful not to get the control panel too wet to avoid any damage.

Clean the door and handle

The door and handle of your washing machine can harbor dirt and grime. Use a microfiber cloth soaked in warm soapy water to clean them thoroughly. Rinse the cloth and wipe away any soap residue.

Clean the rubber gasket/seal

As mentioned earlier, the rubber gasket or seal around the door can accumulate dirt, grime, and even mold or mildew. Use a soft brush or sponge soaked in warm soapy water to scrub the seal clean. Be sure to get into all the crevices and corners.

Clean the soap dispenser drawer

If your washing machine has a soap dispenser drawer, remove it and clean it with warm soapy water. Make sure to remove any residue or buildup that may prevent the proper dispensing of detergent.

With the exterior of your washing machine now spotless, it’s time to tackle the individual components.

How To Clean A Washing Machine When You Move Into An Apartment?

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Cleaning the Detergent Dispenser

The detergent dispenser in your washing machine can become clogged or dirty over time. Here’s how you can clean it:

Remove the dispenser

Most washing machines have a removable detergent dispenser. Gently pull it out from the machine to access it for cleaning.

Soak in warm soapy water

Fill a basin or sink with warm soapy water and submerge the detergent dispenser. Let it soak for a few minutes to loosen any residue or buildup.

Scrub off residue

After soaking, use a soft brush or sponge to scrub off any remaining residue or buildup from the detergent dispenser. Pay close attention to any small compartments or crevices.

Rinse and dry

Once clean, rinse the detergent dispenser thoroughly with water to remove any soap or residue. Make sure it’s completely dry before reinserting it back into the washing machine.

By regularly cleaning your detergent dispenser, you’ll ensure the proper dispensing of detergent and prevent any blockages or malfunctions.

Cleaning the Lint Trap

The lint trap or filter in your washing machine helps to trap lint and other debris. Cleaning it regularly is essential to maintain the efficiency of your machine. Here’s how you can do it:

Locate the lint trap

The lint trap is typically located near the drum or at the back of your washing machine. Refer to your washing machine’s manual if you’re unsure of its location.

Remove lint trap

Gently remove the lint trap from the machine. Be careful not to force it, as it may break or get damaged.

Soak in warm soapy water

Fill a basin or sink with warm soapy water and immerse the lint trap. Allow it to soak for a few minutes to loosen any lint or debris.

Scrub off residue

Using a soft brush or sponge, scrub the lint trap to remove any remaining lint or residue. Pay attention to the mesh screen and the edges of the trap.

Rinse and dry

After scrubbing, rinse the lint trap under running water to remove any soap or residue. Ensure it’s completely dry before reattaching it to the washing machine.

Cleaning the lint trap regularly will prevent it from becoming clogged and improve the overall performance of your washing machine.

How To Clean A Washing Machine When You Move Into An Apartment?

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Cleaning the Seal

The rubber gasket or seal around the door of your washing machine can accumulate dirt, grime, and even mold or mildew. Here’s how you can clean it:

Inspect the seal

Take a close look at the rubber gasket or seal around the door of your washing machine. If you notice any mold or mildew, it’s important to address it promptly.

Remove mold or mildew

If there is mold or mildew present on the seal, create a solution of equal parts vinegar and water or a bleach solution. Use a sponge or soft brush to scrub away the mold or mildew.

Use vinegar or bleach solution

Dip the sponge or brush into the vinegar or bleach solution and scrub the seal thoroughly. Pay close attention to any areas with visible mold or mildew.

Scrub with a sponge or soft brush

Continue scrubbing the seal with the sponge or soft brush until all the mold or mildew is removed. Rinse the sponge or brush frequently to ensure you’re not spreading the spores.

Wipe dry

Once the seal is clean, use a clean cloth or towel to wipe it dry. Inspect the seal again to make sure all mold or mildew has been completely removed.

Cleaning the seal regularly and addressing any mold or mildew promptly will prevent unpleasant odors and maintain the integrity of your washing machine.

Cleaning the Filter

The filter in your washing machine helps to collect lint and debris, preventing it from clogging your machine. Here’s how you can clean it:

Locate the filter

Refer to your washing machine’s manual to locate the filter. In most machines, it’s located at the bottom or back of the machine.

Remove and clean the filter

Carefully remove the filter from the machine. Depending on the type of filter, you may need to unscrew it or simply detach it.

Remove clogs or debris

Inspect the filter for any clogs or debris. Use a soft brush or toothbrush to gently dislodge any trapped lint or debris.

Rinse and dry

Rinse the filter under running water to remove any remaining lint or debris. Make sure it’s completely dry before reattaching it to the washing machine.

Cleaning the filter regularly will prevent any blockages and ensure the proper functioning of your washing machine.

How To Clean A Washing Machine When You Move Into An Apartment?

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Reassembling and Finishing

Now that you’ve cleaned all the individual components of your washing machine, it’s time to reassemble everything and give it a final touch:

Reattach lint trap

Insert the clean and dry lint trap back into the washing machine. Make sure it’s securely in place to prevent any lint from escaping.

Reinsert filter

Carefully insert the clean and dry filter back into the machine. Follow the instructions in your washing machine’s manual for proper placement.

Clean the exterior again

Use a microfiber cloth to give the exterior of your washing machine one final wipe down. This will remove any dust or residue that may have accumulated during the cleaning process.

Allow the machine to air dry

Before plugging in your washing machine, allow it to air dry completely. This will ensure that all the components are free from moisture and ready to use.

Plug in and test the machine

Once the machine is completely dry, plug it back into the power source and give it a test run. Run a short cycle with no clothes to ensure everything is working properly.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully cleaned your washing machine and it’s now ready to tackle your laundry with a fresh start.

Routine Maintenance Tips

To keep your washing machine in optimal condition, it’s important to incorporate these routine maintenance tips into your cleaning routine:

Clean the washing machine regularly

Make it a habit to clean your washing machine at least once every few months. Regular cleaning will prevent buildup and keep your machine running smoothly.

Reduce detergent usage

Using excess detergent can cause a buildup of soap residue in your machine. Follow the recommended dosage on your detergent packaging and avoid using more than necessary.

Leave the door open after use

To prevent the growth of mold or mildew, leave the door of your washing machine open after each use. This will allow air to circulate and dry out any moisture.

Wipe down the seal and drum

After each use, wipe down the rubber gasket or seal and the inside of the drum with a microfiber cloth. This will prevent any dirt or residue from accumulating over time.

Clean the filter periodically

Regularly check and clean the filter of your washing machine to prevent any clogs or blockages. Refer to your machine’s manual for specific instructions on how to clean the filter.

By following these routine maintenance tips, you’ll ensure that your washing machine stays clean, efficient, and odor-free for years to come.

Remember, a clean washing machine not only keeps your clothes fresh and clean but also helps maintain the longevity of your machine. With a little time and effort, you can enjoy hassle-free laundry days in your apartment!

How To Clean A Washing Machine When You Move Into An Apartment?

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